
Pokemon Go went Viral!




Remember walking up and down the streets of orchard road? No, we are not shopping but hunting for our Pokemon! Pokemon Go took Singapore by storm in August 2016 and became the hottest topic/activity in town for at least a month. The mobile game was launched in over 80 countries and garnered over 100 million downloads within three weeks of its launch. This had resulted in crowds gathering in parks and shopping centres.

So how did Pokemon Go attracted so much attention within this short span of time? The answer is Viral Marketing. Going viral means news about the company is circulated considerably faster than usual and is shared and discussed more by the followers too. Today we will take a look at Jonah Berger’s Six Stepps to virality and let’s see how many does Pokemon Go fulfil!




  1. Social Currency

Pokemon Go leverage on its game mechanics to ensure people can spend hours after hours on the game. Players felt a sense of achievement whenever a rare Pokemon is caught as they can “show off” to their family and friends. Player’s game level, Pokedex and Pokemon’s combat power(cp) is evidence of their progress which further encourage social comparison. These motivates the players to work harder and spend more time in order to “better off” other players.

2. Triggers

Back then when you see a crowd gathering or rushing to a place, I’m sure there’s only one thing in your mind. A rare Pokemon is nearby! As the saying goes “top of the mind leads to tip of tongue.” Following the crowd often leads to a good find.

3. Emotions

When Pokemon Go was first launched, there is a lot of excitement mainly because the game uses augmented reality which enable players to see virtual Pokemon in real-world locations so it feels like you are inside the Pokemon game. This is a rather fresh concept and what makes it stand out from other games is that it actually gets people outside to exercise and socialise with other players.

4. Public

Conformity is a human tendency to follow what the majority are doing. In the month when Pokemon Go was launched, it literally changes our lives. We played the game wherever we went, from shopping malls to parks, playgrounds, landmarks and didn’t even mind camping at the same location for hours! From young to old we played day and night, even when we were walking, jogging and even in the vehicle! I guess even if you hate Pokemon, you still have to join in the fun!



However, the big question here is whether Pokemon Go a success? They got off to a flying start with the fresh ideas, high anticipation and viral marketing but they did also lost a lot of players in a short period of time when more and more expectations started to pile on them. Pokemon Go could not hold the interest of the players once they caught that few “rare” Pokemon and they didn’t come up with updates fast enough. As people started quitting the game, many follow suits.

So, instead of using viral marketing, will Pokemon Go be more successful if they adopt a longer term or safer marketing approach? Please let me know in the comment below!


18 thoughts on “Pokemon Go went Viral!”

  1. Great post Ian! Pokemon Go indeed went viral, majority of my friends and families were caught up in the game. I like how you explained Jonah Berger’s 6 STEPPS in detail.
    Looking forward to your next entry 🙂


  2. Well-written post and i like how you covered Jonah Berger’s Six Stepps. Yes i totally agree on that point where Pokemon Go went viral for about a month only as i am one of the users who stopped playing after a month.

    But could you share with me more about some examples of viral marketing occurring in Singapore before?


    1. Thanks for the comment!! Yea me myself only played for roughly a month plus before stopping.
      Staying in the mobile gaming industry, some of the viral games include mobile legends, pubg mobile and maplestory m as well.:)


  3. Yeahhh Pokemon is my all time favourite game!! Really entertaining write up but i believe Pokemon Go will not be as successful if they didnt adopt viral marketing!! 🙂


    1. Hey there thanks for commenting. I agree to a certain extent that pokemon go will not be as successful if they did not adopt viral marketing strategy. As the viral marketing did in fact lured alot of players in at the beginning stage, but the vast interest also means higher expectations which i feel pokemon go might have a easier time to cope with if i did not went so viral. 🙂


  4. Great Post!! Indeed Pokemon Go was a big hit and it definitely brought me great memories. I think they are so successful mainly because they already have a huge fan base and many of us grew up playing this game!


    1. Thanks for sharing!! Totally agreed Pokemon accompanied me through my childhood and is one of my all time favourite game too. Glad you like the post and can relate it to your childhood 🙂


  5. Hi Ian!! Thanks for sharing this with me, a clear and precise write up that is easy to understand. Looking forward to your next post!! 🙂


  6. Interesting write up! What is the minimum number of stepps needed in order to be counted as viral? Really curious about this:)


    1. Thanks!! In my opinion i felt there isn’t any minimum of stepps needed to be considered viral. However i can say that Public is the most important factor to possess since most people will want to be the majority. As more and more people start to do something it will influence others when they find out about it too as it can create common topics and make people feel a part of it. When things are share more often, it will spread and slowly become viral. 🙂


  7. Learnt something today!! It’s really fascinating how much attention Pokemon Go gotten at that period of time. I would rate it as one of my top 10 all time viral event!!


    1. Pokemon Go is my all time favourite mobile game too!! It was really a big hit and people of all ages were obsessed in it!! Glad that you find my post useful!! 🙂


  8. Hello very nice write up about Pokemon Go!! Personally i believe factors such as influence of family and friends play a very big part in determining how viral will it be!! It’s like if everyone is doing it, it’s only natural that we follow suit sooner or later. 🙂


    1. Hello thank you!! Pokemon Go came out when i was in the army and as most of my camp mates started playing we will hang out together after booking out to hunt for Pokemons!! Good memories indeed and i feel it’s a great way to bond as well!! 🙂


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